Monday, November 9, 2009
How to get a Twitter Account Back in 2 minutes !
did something to lose it then here is how to get your name back,,
just log in,, ( to your lost account ) you will see a big red SUSPENDED ,, lol
and go into the settings and change your name to whatever,, yourname1 or yourname2
then press save,, log out,,
then create a new twitter account with your old name
Presto ! you have your name back but with no followers or nada but at least you
have your corporate or old name back.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Twitter Owner's Email Hacked

The guy (”Hacker Croll”) accessed hundreds of confidential corporate and personal documents of Twitter and Twitter employees, The zip file contained 310 documents, ranging from executive meeting notes, partner agreements and financial projections to the meal preferences, calendars and phone logs of various Twitter employees.
TechCrunch spent most of the evening reading these documents. The vast majority of them are somewhat embarrassing to various individuals, but not otherwise interesting. An example - there are a number of documents showing the names of people who interviewed at Twitter for various senior level positions so publishing their names would obviously be distressing for them. Most of these people remain in their current jobs. Some documents show floorplans and security passcodes to get into the Twitter offices. We’re not going to post any of those documents.
TechCrunch is going to release some of the documents showing financial projections, product plans and notes from executive strategy meetings. We’re also going to post the original pitch document for the Twitter TV show that hit the news in May, mostly because it’s awesome.
Palo Alto, Calif. - According to internal Twitter documents
obtained from the company by a hacker and published by TechCrunch, The hacked document also shows that, by 2013, the company aimed to count 1 billion users, 5,200 employees, and generate $111 million in net earnings on $1.54 billion in revenue.
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Monday, June 8, 2009
Twitter Marketing Software Is Now On Sale
Well, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize if thousands of people are looking at
your product your going to sell your product.
I think the best way i heard it put was so.
Mike, I live in a small town of 6000 people, If i knew lets say the Olympics were coming and there was going to be 8 million people in my town next month, you bet i would sell more
products in my little store. especially if i could "pull market" them and actually get them looking at my products. I would have more people in my store in a week then in my 30 years of business and passably retire.
Well, That's what this software has the potential to do for less then what it would cost to post an ad in your local newspaper. 124 bucks is worth the lost cup of coffee's to retire sooner.
If your not taking advantage of the exploding marketing potential of Twitter, then your probably one of those who missed the initial internet boom, or that person that nearly bought that great stock, that house that your friend bought for 60k and sold for 400k, on and on and on.
The time is here, now, today. The software is available and twitter is not going to sit around and let everyone else make the bucks while they decide on how to do it them selves.
take advantage of a never again opportunity.
and if that doesn't egg you then check this pic a test client sent who only had the software for
the past 4 days or so did. He has a good product that i think he sells for 24 bucks.
i know Ive heard way better stories like this but still, doesn't it wanna make you puke with
jealousy, But then again, this is a person who acts not waits so you have to give him the

The Software is On Sale Now
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
Free Twitter Marketing Software
Yup, you heard me,,
New Twitter Autofollower Software Demo Ready!
Tested this thing and it works like a charm.
The free version will send tweet's out for Follow Friday to thousand's of people but the Free Version limit is something like 40 or 60 at a time then all you have to do is go to another Person's followers page and press start again. What can we expect for free. Am quite impressed with the speed for the free version.
I have an early copy of the paid version and it does so many different things that im kinda in love with it. It can easily send 5000 to 10,000 messages a day if left on and not set to the " get followers > then Follow them> Then Message Them" If you set it to " Get Followers> Then Just Message Them " The other way seems to double the amount you can send out because it does not have to follow them i guess.
Finally a way to Twitter while i eat supper and sleep, lol
Ill post more on the paid test copy as i test the numerous features.
You can download the FREE version rite now for
FOLLOW FRIDAY here..........
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Twitter URL Tricks and Tips
I was trying to write something that didn't use the twitter api and found some of the
urls below helpful,,
Ps,, substitute Oprah for what ever username you want,, er,, yours,, not oprah's
This pull's all of your followers 1000 at a time, hence if you put a ?page=1 then
a ?page=2 at the end, you will get the next 1000 of your users
you can try these too
ps, i think all of these work with instead of .xml you can put .json at the end and
it will give you the file but you have to use the twitter api and password
This one is simple but useful,, it will pull all the info on a particular person
or by oprah's user number
regular stuff,,
How to programmatic'ly search on twitter,, this is useful if you have a site and want to show some
useful content , lets say your using php,, you can use "php include" with one of these to
pull only marketing info and display it on your site.
ps,, replace HELLO with what ever keyword you want
i show here,, regular, .json and .atom
this will give you post's of a user i think? or what they post to him/her,
Keep posted, i have another entire file that ill post soon.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
WARNING: Juste is Latest Twitter Scam to Avoid
If you see a link to “juste (dot) ru” on Twitter today, don’t click it.
The flipside of social media’s ability to rapidly spread content is that scams, viruses and malware spread at a much faster rate: from the trusted connections that allow Facebook scams to propagate, to the abundance of Twitter (Twitter reviews) issues in recent months.
Today’s scam: a video site called “” (do not visit this site) has successfully spread thousands of spam links through Twitter. The messages read: “Best video:” followed by a link to Users who clicked this link are reporting that their accounts are then used to Tweet the link without their knowledge, implying that the site steals Twitter credentials. Twitter itself has just put out a warning to avoid the links, which are malicious.
Bottom line: avoid clicking any links on Twitter to “juste (dot) ru”, and if you find your account posting these links, run a full virus/malware/spyware scan, change your Twitter password and clear your browser cookies
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Alert: TwitterCut Scam on Twitter
ALERT: Twittercut Scam Loose
May 26th, 2009 | by Pete Cashmore
Another Twitter scam is on the loose tonight: hundreds of affected users are unwillingly posting the message “OMG I just got over 1000 followers today from Twittercut”, with a link to the aforementioned site.
This appears to be a scam of the simplest type: users click the link, enter their Twitter username and password on the landing page and suddenly find their own accounts Tweeting out the same spam message…and of course those “1000 followers” are nowhere to be seen. It’s proving extremely effective, especially with new users who aren’t aware of such blatant ploys.
As with the recent spate of Facebook scams, keep your wits about you and avoid entering your login details on suspect sites. According to the Twitter status blog, Twitter is currently working to reset passwords on all affected accounts, although the Tweets are still coming at a fast rate at the time of writing.
Also note that if Twitter resets your password, you may also need to update it in 3rd party applications that use those details to access your account.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Twitter Following Limits And How To Get Around Them

Here is a quick Breakdown of the Follow Limits
- 1,000 updates per day
- 1,000 direct messages per day
- 100 API requests per hour
- Follow limit Starts At 2000
- 1,000 total updates per day, on any and all devices (web, mobile web, phone, API, etc. )
- 1,000 total direct messages per day, on any and all devices
- 100 API requests per hour
If you follow 2100 people and you have 2000 followers then what you have to do is start deleting people you follow in order to follow any more new people. This way you will get new followers and your ratio will go up.
This is how it works
Approximate estimate:
Followers You can Follow
3000------3300 - 3600?
4000------4400 - 4900?
so when you finally hit around 4000 plus people, you can add the 1000 per day limit with no problems.
So,, My suggestion is to use a service such as TwitterKarma to delete unwanted people you follow, EG: if you follow 2100 people, i would delete 1000 of them and then you can follow 1000 more the next day without hitting the limit,, this will probably give you an extra 500 to 700 followers making your follower count 2700 - do that again EG: now that you have 2700 followers and your probably following 3000 something, go and delete another 1000 and then follow 1000 new people and the next day you will probably have 3500 something followers.
Hope this explains how to get past that dreadful twitter 2000 initial cap.
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Over 2000 Twitter Quotes And Jokes
Where do you get all those jokes and quotes.
well,, i scoured the net for them and then had to go through thousands to build my list and parse all the ones which are longer then 140 characters.
here is the result available for anyone to twit with. hope you like it cause it took me a long time to put together.
Hint: the more you post (updates) the higher you will rank on TwitterGrader.
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Hmm, Setting up My Blog
Not a bad idea anyways. What i'm gong to try and do is basically spill what little i know about twitter, twitter products such as TwitterGrader, twitter karma, you name it, i tested it.
what works, what doesn't, all the make money this , make money that - ill explain what does and what i think is a waste of time, which is pretty much anything that say's i got 19000 users, yada yada,, all crap, lol.
Anyways, hope to get this up and going as quickly as possable.
you can always email me directly at
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